Post-Its have saved me on numerous occasions. No joke. I am post-it crazy. As a woman with, admittedly, the worst memory on the planet, I rely heavily on them.
There are numerous scribbled on Post-its stuck to my desk at all times to remind me of tasks that I need to accomplish or deadlines I need to meet. I have post-its on the kitchen sink to remind me to turn in the school fundraiser packets or to to bring the grapes to my son’s kidergarten class for their taste test experiment.
Sure, I keep reminders on my phone that goes off several times a day and I have a running to do list in a notebook by my computer. However, for me, a Post-its says it best. These bright little squares draw my full attention and scream, “don’t forget me!” and I don’t, usually.
One day recently, as I was getting ready to head out on a trip, leaving hubby and children behind, I decided that my square little friends could be put to even better use.
It is always my hope that when I am away from home that my Husband never doubts my love for him. That even in my abscence there is a touch of my love all over the house.
So, once again I put those bright sticky notes to use and posted “I love you,” quite literally, all over the house. On the doors, in his car, on his dresser, on the wall by the toilet, in the freezer on his favorite frozen yogurt.
It made me happy to think that as he roamed thru the house, he would be reminded over and over again how much I love him.
Cheesy? Maybe, but I guarantee you, for that week that I was gone, Hubby felt loved every step of the way.
Does your spouse need a little reminder of how much you love them? Maybe this Post-it idea can help you share the love!
Happy Posting!
I loved this post!! I use post-its to and have earned the title, “post-it queen” and apparently I’m not alone in this 😉
When my husband travels for work he has his bagged packed the night before and we sneak into his suitcase and randomly place our ‘love-post-its’ all through his clothes, in socks, in pockets – along with a few photos too!!
I’m sure he receives as much joy when he finds them as we do putting them in his luggage!
Fantastic idea to put them in his bag when he travels. Love that you add the photos too. I will definitely have to try that. Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
I love this and I make sure to surprise my husband with little post-it notes every so often. Even when I’m around I do that – if I go to bed after him I’ll put a little note on his laptop, on his wallet, or by the closet door so when he gets up for work in the morning he’ll see them. It’s a cute way to leave a little message of love, especially when he’s not expecting it 🙂
Awesome that you have made a habit of that. The little touches like that really add up to help you stay connected. Thank you so much for taking time to read. It is good to see you again 🙂
I love this ! I am definitely going to sneak one in the hubby’s lunch in his motorcycle on his dresser and on the bathroom door so he can see it when he gets out of the shower, for my boys they will go in their backpacks on their pillowcases and even in their dresser drawers 😉
I love transferring this idea to the kiddos. I did something similar on Valentines day. The kids love getting special notes from Mom and Dad too!